
A Snapshot of Student Work & Perspectives


Journal #06

Journal 06 is in the works for 2023…

Journal #05

2019 - The SANNZ Journal #05 was produced to showcase outstanding student work on a national level as well as showcasing the new teaching from the 2019 Insitu Conference whilst also providing a basis to showcase hidden away spots around Auckland.


Journal #04

2018 - With contributions from around the country SANNZ has collaborated submissions into this journal to reflect past, present and potential library typologies that students concerned with spatial creation are attracted to.

Journal #03

2015 September - On the face of it, failure is largely black and white, i.e. you did not meet required expectation. The politically correct way of saying “you are an incompetent fool, what are you doing here?” In truth, failure is far more than the dreaded D that may await your assignment you have yet to receive grading for. Much like its equally intangible sibling, success, failure is a relative attribute, defined by one’s own perspectives.

Journal #02

2015 July - The design process is one of those elusive things that seems to slip through your fingertips. Like water through your hands, it is one of the ongoing challenges in the creative disciplines. These processes vary on the person and the medium they so choose to engage with.

Journal #01

2015 April - Journal is a beautiful, experimental, enthralling and ongoing conversation. Our Question; part innocent inquiry, part provocation, was answered with an incredible amount of enthusiasm and energy. What we are doing is a process that doesn’t end with the ‘final presentation’ or project deadline,  it is architecture that continues to develop and to change that is built and rebuilt. As such, this journal is not complete…