Common Questions.

What is the 24 Hour Design Competition?

24 Hour is the main SANNZ event held annually, over the course of a weekend. The competition brings people together from around New Zealand to meet people from other architecture schools and compete in a friendly team design competition. This competition gives you a brief and a theme that each team must design for. The designs can be as abstract or practical as you want, with painting, model making and poetry encouraged. Check out some previous entries for inspiration!

Where is the event held?

The design competition moves between the architecture schools and is held in a different location every year. Check out our instagram page for the most up-to-date information on this year’s competition! As a general rule, we try to hold the competition at the hosting University’s School of Architecture. Typically, we also have events at nearby venues.

Who can sign up for the competition?

The competition is open to anyone who is currently studying Architecture in New Zealand. Whether you are in your first year of study or writing your thesis, we encourage you and your friends to sign up!

How do the teams work?

Teams bring people together from different schools as an opportunity to network and build relationships around the country! We try to provide a balance of people from different Architecture Schools and put you with people you don’t know, but you can indicate someone that you would like to be in a team with and we will try make this happen.

What do I need to bring?

You can bring any design supplies you think you will need; pens, pencils, paints etc. Every year there are different facilities available - once again, it’s best to tune into instagram to get the msot up-to-date deets.

You will need to organise your own transport to the host city, and your own accommodation during your stay.

Are there prizes?

Yes! Every year a team of industry sponsors comes together to help us pull off this awesome event, and help us create some awesome prize packs and spot prizes. The prizes are usually awarded by a panel of judges made up of industry professionals, academics, board members from Te Kahui Whaihanga New Zealand Institue of Architects, or sponsors’ delegates from the host city’s architecture sphere.